ASP SaaS, PaaS and IaaS eCommerce - Online Payment & Customer Relationships Gateway - Smart Apps. Maintaining customer relationships and improving customer satisfaction while still controlling costs are the goals of an emerging new breed of software applications collectively known as Customer Relationship Management (CRM). The approach is to provide all customer-facing employees and managers in an organization with a unified view of the customer, create knowledge bases of customer interaction and improve communication with the client through several points of contact including e-mail, phone, fax and the World Wide Web.
miCRM will be the logical next step in Customer Relationship Management. Not only is the application robust enough to offer competitive advantages over many current internal systems, it extends the reach of CRM solutions into Internet space, allowing easier customer and employee access to information and services. Milinx is combining a CRM solution with delivery through the ASP SaaS, PaaS and IaaS model to provide additional benefits through Information Technology (IT) cost savings.
Best of all, miCRM adapts to your current business status and future growth without complicated and costly professional services. As your needs change, the modularity of design ensures ease of rollout and implementation.
Helping Companies Secure Their Data
Security is the single most important part of our work. Milinx specialists are expert at creating and assembling the elements of secure ASP SaaS, PaaS and IaaS solutions through VPNs: network architecture, file systems, firewalls, gateways, encryption and authentication including meta relationship data to identify users and their individualized profile for all platforms and products.
No business is an island. You have to sell people, no matter what you sell. Maintaining and building those relationships is crucial to competitive advantage. Make it easy for customers to get the service they expect and extra service they don't. Use miCRM for advanced Customer Relationship Management that organizes customer interaction in smart, sophisticated ways. Track sales leads, create campaigns, bolster customer support and lower costs. Everyone in your company will see the customer the same way-in a complete picture and from every perspective-accounting, sales, support, inventory, orders and contacts. Unify your sales and marketing team over a wide area through universal access and change the way the customer perceives your company…for the better.
It's so easy
You don't need to know programming or have advanced computer skills!
Now you're in business. eBusiness!
We're here to help you succeed
You won't have to worry about who's minding the store! We also applied our step-by-step process to administration, so that you can keep things in order and chart the course of your business. With a few clicks of the mouse you can:
Maintaining good relationships with customers is about offering choices and making them easy. miBilling, another component of the Milinx CRM Suite does just that, and improves your cash flow!
Online bill presentment and e-payment make it easier for customers to keep their accounts up to date and track their expenses. Milinx offers private-label bill presentment so your organization can brand the screen image with your own corporate look and feel.
All with Customer Relationships Gateway & Smart Apps
ASP Commerce - Customer Relationships Gateway - Smart Apps. miCATALOG and miSTORE are proprietary products created by Milinx The Milinx Application Data Center hosts your site and stores your data Your critical information is handled with Internet-standard SSL encryption miCATALOG and miSTORE are backed by the Milinx Client Contact Center